Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Diocese of Cheyenne, its parishes, and partner organizations are beginning an inspired journey – a journey that leads toward a stronger Catholic community across Wyoming. Our hearts are full of hope and purpose, as we invite you to join us in a unified and successful capital campaign.
I am blessed to be in Wyoming. After serving for seven years as your Bishop, I feel at home with this
family of faith. Your witness encourages me and gives me hope. I have deep appreciation for the priests,
deacons, religious, and lay leaders who serve tirelessly and generously.
Over the past five years, I have worked closely with the clergy and lay leaders to assess our ministries
and discern what resources are needed to be faithful to the mission of Christ. The discernment has
involved clergy and lay leaders, including the leadership of Wyoming Catholic Ministries Foundation
and our partner organizations: St. Joseph’s Children’s Home, Catholic Charities of Wyoming, St. Joseph’s
Society, and St. Paul’s Newman Center. In early 2024, we received feedback on the priorities of these
entities through a feasibility study. The response was overwhelmingly supportive. Subsequently, the
leaders of these entities unanimously agreed to pursue a capital campaign.
With trust in the discernment process, I am confident that the campaign will be a success. We are acting with resolve, as disciples co-responsible for the mission of Christ. During the campaign we will tell people about the good ministry already happening and our plans for strengthening the mission. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we step forward with faith.
Communion for Mission emphasizes our sacred communion in Christ and as the Body of Christ. This is the
foundation of our mission. Also, it conveys an initiative of collaboration, not competition. The entities seeking resources for their mission agreed to work together, as brothers and sisters in Christ, instead of competing for financial support. We are resolved to be in communion as we live the Gospel.
God has blessed us abundantly. I have been encouraged by your faithful stewardship of his gifts, and I am confident that you will participate in the campaign as generous stewards. God always provides grace in abundance to proclaim the gospel. Please pray the prayer for Communion for Mission. With faith we trust that through our collective response the good Lord will provide far beyond our dreams.
Peace in Christ,
Bishop Steven Biegler
NATIONS’.” (MT. 28:19)
—Bishop Steven
In 2017, the Diocese of Cheyenne made a visionary decision by acquiring the 2020 Capitol Avenue building. This strategic move was a commitment to the future and an investment that will transform the diocese’s infrastructure, enhancing its ability to serve parishes, while providing the necessary space for the growth and expansion of both the Chancery and Catholic Charities of Wyoming (CCWyo).
Although it is filled with rich history, the current Chancery Office faces significant challenges.
The building requires major repairs, and it lacks enough office space for current Chancery staff.
Also, Catholic Charities does not possess its own office space, so its staff is using temporary space within the Chancery. Renovating the 2020 Capitol Avenue building at a cost of $5 million and relocating Chancery offices there will secure ample space for the next two decades and beyond. This modernized facility will pave the way for the Chancery and CCWyo to serve the People of God across Wyoming for future generations.
To bring this aspiration to life, the Communion for Mission campaign seeks to raise $5 million. This critical funding will pay for necessary renovations and ensure that the new workspace meets the evolving needs of the Chancery staff to serve the People of God across Wyoming.
Let this prayer inspire us to Respond to God’s Grace with a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Let us move forward in communion, united in our mission to serve and to build a Church that reflects the love and abundance of our Lord.
Diocese of Cheyenne ministries, parishes, and partners are working with FreeWill to help you plan your legacy gift.
FreeWill is an free-of-charge online tool that guides you through the process of creating a legally binding will or trust , as well as planning for your beneficiaries for an IRA, 401 (k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will. Using the FreeWill tool also allows you to document your funeral wishes.
Create a legacy gift today to help ensure vibrant ministries and parishes for the People of God in Wyoming! Together as one Body in Christ, we can make a profound and lasting impact.