"When we speak of 'vocation', then, it is not just about choosing this or that way of life, devoting one’s life to a certain ministry or being attracted by the charism of a religious family, movement or ecclesial community. It is about making God’s dream come true,
the great vision of fraternity that Jesus cherished when he prayed to the Father 'that they may all be one' (Jn 17:21)." ~Pope Francis
To learn more, contact a member of the Office of Vocations team.
Director of Vocations
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-439-4368
Associate Director of Pastoral Formation: Youth and Vocations
Email: [email protected]
(email links are disabled for security. Please copy and paste into your email program.)
The eyes of the Lord roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who are devoted to him wholeheartedly." (2 chronicles 16[NAB])
I. Conditions for a Good Discernment
A prayer life in A D S L
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- Do what is right! (live a moral life)
- Sacraments: frequent reconciliation and daily mass
- Lectio Divina (regular prayer with scripture especially the Gospels)
Good friends, good times, and retreats
A spiritual guide (Spiritual Direction)
Gather some information (study the order your discerning, check out the seminary. Just as a young man or woman cannot know if this or that person is the one to marry until they date, so it is with a religious vocation. Speak with priests, sisters, brothers, deacons.)
II. The Criteria of a good discernment
What is the DEEPEST DESIRE of my heart?
Does it last? (Has this desire been in your heart over time or does it come and go like the wind? If it endures it is worth checking out!)
What does the Church say? Or your fiancé? Discernment needs to be objective, that is, grounded in the prudential judgment of a pastor, vocation director, bishop, religious order, etc. It cannot be just "What I think is right for me."
III. Four Traps to your call
Dreaming your life, instead of living your dream
Becoming discouraged at the first obstacle
Waiting passively for a sign from God
Listening too much to "good" friends, or to your mum
IV. Take the Step!
Give it a try! (take a leap of faith! In reality, a year at the seminary or in a religious order is not too long. At least you'll know if this possibility is for you or not!)
You have everything to win: if it was not your call, now you know!